Saturday 13 July 2013

Easy handshake with Technology

Science is the most exciting thing man has ever discovered. We are all surrounded by a lot of applied science concepts, many can be observed from the moment when we wake up in the morning. Go brush your teeth, what you see in the mirror, is it really you ?? how can you be in the mirror, no...its just the reflection of light that you see in the mirror.
Can you stand and balance on a rotating basketball..?? Ahhh....yeaah its almost impossible, then how we balance on earth which is spherical and continuously rotating and revolving. Just give it a thought, its just a matter of fact.
We live in an exponential world where competition of innovations was always one of the major concern, more advanced technology is emerging day by day but is it really making our life luxurious...?? Machines are becoming automatic with more advancements in technology, Robots are replacing humans in many critical manufacturing processes like Welding, Soldering, Pick and Place, Manufacturing etc, for more information just watch Factory Made on Discovery Channel, its one of my favorite show. 
Well, enough of conceptual discussions, i am an entrepreneur by living, scientist by nature and humanist by belief. I am an anonymous artist, photographer and a public speaker. Most of the time i spend in my lab tinkering with some cool electronic gadgets. I love working on Robots, developing some new stuff to roll out as a product soon. Its my first blog, all i want is to share my thoughts about technology and how easy it can be to work upon. I always focus on learning at early stage as it gives the opportunity to develop creativity "my personal experience". 
Its only my introductory post as very soon i will be rolling out with some cool tutorials based on Prototyping, Robotics, Embedded systems, Coding, Photography, Digital art, Aero-Modelling, Multi copters and much more by using the Youth's favorite "ARDUINO".